Mortigan dies

Posted by
Woden [legacy]
25 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Interesting log, Leto just hunted - Thanks Leto!!


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 March 2002 08:32:06

    And you just proved your gullibility with yours.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 March 2002 01:23:12


    The second you pointed at me, I'd throw an arm around your shoulders kiss you on cheek and claim you as my man-whore, he-bitch-man-slap you, scream like a bitch and run for the door *grin*

    Call me what you will, but if you are indeed what you eat...I'm a pussy and your a toss off! :)

    Also, the only way I would visit you is if you had a case of everclear and one of those Texas hotties (one of the Bush daughters perhaps?) on the couch waiting for me...

  • Author
    Lanthanil [legacy]
    26 March 2002 23:53:06

    yeah, I would love to meet have the people that MUD here and talk shit IRL, it'd be hilarious. And who cares about gays anyhow?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 March 2002 18:30:52

    Actually, I play this mud cause its a game. My dream in life is not to be a person that runs around killing people for 1000 gold. And I dont see why people complain about getting pked. Then it gives them something todo (ie, rip the fuck out of the fuckers that fucking killed them die kill arrrgghhh!)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    26 March 2002 13:35:31

    Tuareg, I did get it right. It was from a movie, not the actual Nazi's themselves.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    26 March 2002 12:58:25

    That's okay Wasach, I guess we're cool as long as you're not sending a request to the US embassy to disown me as an american citizen :)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    26 March 2002 12:36:25

    Swing Heil Motherfuckers, Swing Heil!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    26 March 2002 12:26:56

    Go fuck yourself, Nazi.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    26 March 2002 10:09:47

    Wasach, you're stupid :P If I went to the bar and screamed, 'Fuck you faggot!', 40 rednecks would turn around with clenched fists wondering where the gay guy was. Of course, then I'd point in your direction, you'd get your ass jumped, it'd all be funny, it'd be great.

    Wasach, come visit me, I'll let you crash on the couch :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 March 2002 09:54:38

    Yeah, like I'm going to run around CU with only 5 letters to use on my keyboard, none of them being real directions.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 March 2002 09:42:19

    Yeah well I would've taken care of a few of those strikes but you prefer the do huntbreak,quit method of pk avoidance.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 March 2002 09:35:16

    Kind of like me having like 15 'strikes' from Adunazon for annoying him multiple times.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 March 2002 09:10:49

    Thought this was strangely fitting:

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    26 March 2002 08:55:11

    Haha. Hahahahaha. I'm sorry, I can't help it. Hahahaha.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 March 2002 08:43:39

    The biggest problem with the mud is it's comprised of people who don't have the balls to do any of this shit in real life. They're all big talkers until you get in their face and then it's 'mumble mutter hrmm nevermind just kidding' So you have a bunch of frustrated self-abusive people who try to bash on mudchars the way they got picked on in middle school. Grow up and let it go.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 March 2002 07:05:36

    I'm not from Canada, I'm probably more American than 99% of the mud and that includes you chode lovers that take your freedoms for granted.

    As far as I'm concerned that only people that have a right to question someone's patriotism for their country is someone who has or is defending that country...

    Nurg, I didn't post the log so you telling me to remove it kind of isn't it?

    Vallejo, I've been in Texas you dillhole and your actions whether verbal or physical have consequences regardless of where you are. Log off the mud, go hang out in a bar then backstab some guy that gets blind drunk or better yet, call him a dicksucking faggot chode monkey...and see what happens.

    Mizrahi, I reread your comments and yeah...should have just passed right on by him holding my nose closed to avoid the stench. Hindsight is always 20/20 nor was I completely serious in that comment. Why should I be, it's a log from an imaginary place where you do imaginary things to imaginary characters.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    26 March 2002 02:20:42

    'Bah, gaybashing and such suck.I mean - everyone has the right not to like gay as well as the gay have the right not to like heteros.Right, Spartan, you don't like heteros? '

    Now I don't know how to explain how this is funny. But the way I understand this, is that bashgeroy said gaybashing etc. is wrong, and then goes and pseudo gaybashes Spartan, which totally contradicts his point. Which I find funny. Hmm.

  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:59:01

    I'm alive!

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:19:00

    faggots die!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:17:30

    Faris, you're already dead.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:09:26

    anybody that said, anybody that said what mortigan said was gay, is a fag, is a ...:P

  • Author
    Bradw [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:08:29

    wait, im still a newbie..

  • Author
    Bradw [legacy]
    26 March 2002 00:04:59

    lol tarn you killed me as a newbie, but that was in mordor and you didnt post the log so i guess your comment is justified :)

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    25 March 2002 23:54:10

    Gay people should die, anyone who disagree should die as well.:P

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    25 March 2002 23:01:25

    anybody that said what mortigan said was wrong, is a fag

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    25 March 2002 23:01:16

    anybody that said what mortigan said was gay, is a fag

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    25 March 2002 22:27:50

    I'm not trying to quit the mud, I'm trying to quit thinking:P

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2002 22:26:52

    Best way to quit is to get addicted to something else!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    25 March 2002 20:57:56

    Eh? I don't think, Tuareg, I'm trying to quit it:P I'm serious:P

    Too much Osho I guess:P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    25 March 2002 20:45:48

    I have hell no idea how you talk, may be you have too many droppings like me in your mouth.

  • Author
    Grozdol [legacy]
    25 March 2002 20:23:53

    So you are saying i talk like that when i killed someone? guess again oliphaunt-dropping :P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    25 March 2002 20:03:41

    Heh, it's funny when kids threaten you with street fighting:P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    25 March 2002 20:00:19

    Woden, you behave like a durm in the tell part, shame on you.

    Bah, gaybashing and such suck.I mean - everyone has the right not to like gay as well as the gay have the right not to like heteros.Right, Spartan, you don't like heteros?

    Anyway, hatred is never good but this is restricting people's right to free thinking and speech.I've been different than the 'rest of the community' most of my life and all the time I've had the feeling I'm something more.So, for example when Avaar calls me hippy I feel flattered and feel pity for him that he's not one.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    25 March 2002 19:21:59

    Mortigan is hilarious. First off, let me make some points: Wasach, you're a fag, go back to Canada you wannabe. Woden, don't be a fag and claim harassment when he called you gay, that's the most homo thing you could do. Also, one place in America where you can say those biggot comments and get away them perfectly fine? Try Texas dipshit, you can do just about anything here, that's why it's heaven. I think I'm done here.....let me reiterate, Wasach sucks dick for coke, just like at the lip-lock he has his guildmates' penises (or is it penii?) in.

  • Author
    Nurgamazur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 19:01:33

    Wasach, read your own comments first, and then threathen people with ainur. To be honest, you are the homofobic shit in that log. Word of advice - remove the log and stop showing the world what a moron you are.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2002 18:25:29

    Irrational crazed newbies are fuckin gay.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    25 March 2002 18:18:26

    By interesting log you mean in fact boring log of you killing someone that clearly is a newbie.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    25 March 2002 15:46:53

    Hahah, kill him again until he suicides ... or has he already? And when done with that, start picking on Vabur until he suicides too... and then... oh, you get the drift.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 March 2002 15:40:57

    I blame it all on the rum...why did the liqour store in town have to have it on clearance..

    *holds his head in drunkeness*

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    25 March 2002 15:05:43

    Wow... I havn't been reading logs for a very long time, but the comments always seem to end harshly whenever Rl is discussed, be it Nationality, Religion or other sorts of things. You all can do what you like, but I find that it may be a little more pleasant not discussing such things. Oh well, people will always hate one thing or another.

    Oh btw Woden, why did you have to ruin the nice guy's Spring Break?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 March 2002 14:40:53

    I blame adolescence :p

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 14:28:24

    Well yeah, but any one with half a brain cell will see they guy was just blowing hot air.

    Ive done it plenty of time in the past. as im sure we all have. I blame PMT!

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 March 2002 14:02:06

    Exactly the point, only that instead of just teasing him back, he pulled a nice trick to make him come out a homophob infront of anyone who ever comes to this website. Fucking hypocracy is infuriating.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 13:55:45

    read the log again guys, listen o wodens words.

    You ever had some one flame at you, and imn reply, you wind them up even more.

    Seems to me Woden was teaseing him even more.

    He was verbaly assulted by somone, so in return, he wound him up even more.

    Thats the funny part of the log.

    I dont think he was being deadly Serios about the Gay Vibes. But its a sure fire way of twisting the already deep dagger :)

    Funny read imho.

    Take it with a pinch of salt guys.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 March 2002 13:46:43

    What's the fucking point? Termination of employment? WTF?

    He flamed him in a fucking mud. And if Woden ever comes to DC, you think he'll do something? Yeah my ass, he'll walk right passed Woden, with an awkward look on his face and his tail between his legs. He spoke out of frustration, and because he, alot like you, has not a slight sense of tact to his name. And that doesn't mean you should be inflating it to more than it was, Uncle Sam.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 March 2002 13:42:20

    and here I thought I used 'fuck' alot.

    Mizrahi, name one place in America (outside of the bigot hate groups) where those type of comments when made openly dont result in termination of employment, law suits, etc. What I said was very American you dolt. Or perhaps Woden should get a mud-lawyer and sue him? *boggle*

    Woden's right to post the log exists just as your right not to read the log or not to comment on it if you did or didn't like it.

    I liked the tell log at the end, it was funny and showed what a piece of trash that guy was.

    Go get a grip yourself.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 March 2002 13:27:20

    Jesus, Wasach and Woden, take your heads out of your asses.

    So he called you gay, so fucking what, he's a dumb fuck. You know very well that he called you gay to insult you, rather than bash your sexuality. Fucking said that himself. Can either of you tell me that at any point of your lives have you never said something along the lines of 'that's gay' to express your discontent, although without a direct intention to bash homosexuals? It would take alot to convince me that you NEVER had. He said he'll bash your head if you come to DC, big fucking deal, he's an immature fuck and props for frustrating him enough with that pk if that's the way he reacted. It hardly is a reason though to add that fucked up tellog in the end, assuming anyone here gives a rat's ass. We don't need to watch you shove words into someone's mouth and act like a righteous victim of someone's cruel and relentless harassment, and neither do we need to hear Wasach's delusional patriotic comments. Wasach, you're ashamed of him for being an American? For fucks sake, be ashamed of yourself for even making that comment.

    PS - I apologize to any mice offended with the use of the term 'rat's ass'. I realize it may be ratbashing.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2002 11:07:08

    Stop killing Mortigan damn it, go for Celexa, he is the real prick :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 11:01:41

    ans thats Montigan *mutters about his constant typos*

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 10:59:32

    I agree with everything mortingar says!

    You Gay Woden! :p

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    25 March 2002 10:33:05

    Lets pk him again? that was funny :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 March 2002 10:08:49

    I like it when he calls you 'biased' when he is the one gaybashing.

    Btw, is it possible to disown mortigan from ever other american who plays this game? He made me feel ashamed of my country and what was with that invitation to DC. Jesus, I get pissy when I get pK'd but if I ever go that far as to say something like that...I hope I get nuked and hardbanned.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2002 08:53:50

    Mortigan was being pretty bitchy though, so... ;)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2002 08:52:52

    Umm, why were you heating him for gaybashing when you yourself considered it an insult to be called gay? :) Instigating people to suicide is actually a good thing if it keeps them from mudding :P but still bastardly in some ways.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    25 March 2002 07:55:15

    I hardly remember what its like to have this much passion for the game :P

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    25 March 2002 07:24:53

    I just noticed I used the wrong darn potion. Damn it. Oh well, turned out ok in the end. Thanks again Leto :)