Deimos finally leaves Thranduils...guess he should

Posted by
Taidhbhse [legacy]
22 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

NC has a few issues he needs to work out with SoU. He asked me to give him a hand....well at least I can hunt.


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    25 April 2002 20:56:47

    Cause one I wasn't in combat

    and second I was fucken killen him and he quit nd

    there is a big fucken difference.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 April 2002 21:29:38

    So... why is your explanation suitable and Newcomer's isn't? afterall... you called him quitter first :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 April 2002 19:58:08

    If you read anything then you would know I explained that already, and it wasn't in the same room. I was outside *ROLLS his eyes.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 April 2002 18:25:04

    Heh, I still remember the day whem Josef got zmud :P

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    24 April 2002 17:14:31

    Well, I guess I cant post it as it was before I found out that a mud client exsisted :P so I haven't got it logged, but it was at mmail where you tried to loot viking and me... you were with someone i dont remember who though.

  • Author
    Cahir [legacy]
    24 April 2002 07:24:13

    And what exactly were you correcting me on, Faris? :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 April 2002 21:34:00

    You should all put your hands together and be friends :P

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    23 April 2002 21:31:40

    Correction Cahir, you guys beat the crap out of me died 15 times. it was simply because i didnt admit defeat and would just level up again and again and kept on leaving guild getting good eq wielding whip, which pissed you all off. I remember when cogline told me that you guys thought i was cheating by leveling after each death which was flattering a bit :) Then you got nuked, and you started saying that i was whinning to the ainur about dying so much which in fact did not happen. I was approached by an ainu one day asking me weather it is true i died those many times, and in reply i just said yes. Then he nuked you and your alt, believe it or not, i did not enjoy it one single bit. It was a dull life after you guys left. STWA were scary and TB helping them made them unstoppable force. Good times. :)


  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    23 April 2002 20:43:42

    Me am gonnah solo yah all!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 April 2002 20:43:18

    Oh, and I quit on Warrax. I feel dumb about it:((

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 April 2002 20:42:49

    *boggle* I remember being a happy Amruin not giving a shit about fra and megs:P Must've missed much....

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 20:16:21

    Josef, post it,

    I wanna see the shit your talken about.

    Tuareg, that was actually funny. Nice shit.

  • Author
    Cahir [legacy]
    23 April 2002 19:49:18

    I believe the first meg war was the tb/stwa war with them, right after we had just kicked the crap out of SoU for the first time, FRA wasn't too involved in this one, besides perhaps help on a kill or two and armoury storage. Then stwa joined up into FRA and sooner or later war broke out againthis time with full FRA support, that went on for a little while, then we called a ceasefire, which lasted maybe a week while we beat the shit out of SoU again. Then once again the war broke out between FRA et al and megs and lasted until they became Udungul :P

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:53:06

    Not to forget the time where Baklen quit on me and Viking in mordor. That was amusing stuff, and he indeed had some cool excuses

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:44:14

    Bah, I'm not one sayen who is good or not, I'm sayen he quit, and made a bullshit thing about how he waited and,how he was level 14, and that shit. Unless he was disguised at level 19. and how he wanted to backhunt and shit. Which never happened cause he disconnected and logged out. Bahs whatever.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:39:23

    Let's just say some people are good on their own way :P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:34:58

    I'm really enjoying most of this log thread, imho.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:15:24

    Not that Newcomer isn;t cool or anything, dont really know him

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:14:56

    Yea Baklen, Newcomer (at least the character) hasn't been around to long. I rember seeing him in bree when he was a lil low level and thinking Newcomer was the dumbest name ever... :p (think I even pstole from him a couple times cause of the dumb name)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:08:26

    I like how all of you guys argue about who's good and who isnt, who was and who isnt anymore. Someone should make a pkiller hierarchy and rank them from best to nobody so you can all stop argueing and just point at the list all the time. :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 17:44:40

    You may of gotten good, don't know haven't mudden with you yet, but back then your ass was fucken nobody. And Yes I was Lacan, also the First Iron-fist, till Nurg stole the title. Which was also bkd, anyways, Just proves I was pkillen while your ass was sucken on your moms titties.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 17:42:24

    Oh man you are something else fucken Newcomer. I got the log sitting right here. I'm gonna fucken post it. And it was Darkclaw sitting on the fucken side of me:) Bitch ass.

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 14:49:20


  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    23 April 2002 14:08:33

    Sounds like Baklen had a little too much weed to smoke, not alcohol to drink. What is this? The Storm saying lets all be friends and forget the wars? I love it! Stay drunk Baklen =).

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    23 April 2002 12:09:01

    BB.. sorry if I was unclear.. was a bit drunk when writing.. what I meant was that we were never out to destroy you. At several ocassions we offered peace if you admitted defeat. Which you like you say never did.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 April 2002 11:29:17

    But you have the comments and people talking about it.I wasn't that communicative and, blah, I was exploring on my own...then came Viking and taught me.The ERs don't count:P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    23 April 2002 11:26:48

    heh im still a newbie and i think quitting is fucked..

    the times i've been killed... The thought of Quitting has never came across my head.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 April 2002 09:08:53

    What the hell.. you were all born fully grown and perfect?

    Dunno, I used to be a newbie once...and I thought there was nothing bad in looks to me lame and retarded now but oh, well, I can't deny I've done it.

    There was a time I didn't know what hunt was...*shrug*

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:59:09

    Baklen, the time when I was quit from MT to rohan plains, it was not you as Baklen, but I remember it was Lacan with globe with some other wizard with srs. I did not quit, I got linkdead (oh reason) then i reconnect as soon as my client loaded, then i did not found you anymore, you left, then I assume it was you because you just borrowed the globe. Then I start looking for assassins to backhunt, and when I did, you quitted. Need me to say more? And I am sure my memory still serve me well for this. I was lvl 14 too. I was lvl 14 for 1 fucking year, I explorered every nick of Arda with this lvl and get killed a lot because of my EQ. And by this lvl too I learn about PK.

    So stop ranting around.


  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:43:33

    Uh, longfinger, What is this crap?

    We didnt admit ourselves beaten, in fact when the war came to an end, we were kicking the shit out of the FRA.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:40:39

    Hell and if it goes for quitten, shit I can't yell at people who quit, fuck you get mad when they do, and all they are trying to do is stop from dying. Bah everyone on the mud is cool in their own way, I mean Even bashgeroy has his moments. I don't know man, maybe everyone's enemy is really there friend. The shit is mind boggleing once you think about it. Or am I starting to rant on like Rathmar? (laughs the good old days) hmms lets all sit down have a drink, forget about wars, fucken A start fresh

    hmms yah I'll stop

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:38:09

    I've been drinken a little tonight haven some fun, so I got lots to say. Longfinger is right. Damm, its all good.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:35:29

    Umm your ass is wrong, ill tell you why Tuareg. I hated megs. so one day I made an alt level 1 called balun. I opened an mc case about how megs were so totally unthematic. and others along side me fought for it. IT CAME to be that Rauko and ainur were already thinking about disbanding and reshaping the guild. So we just helped push it along. BTW The FRA theme is they want the ring, they want the power for themselves and everything that comes with it. So it is you get asswholes thast life. Fra rp the very thing that evil is, untainted, pure, greed. So what, live with it. I've been in every guild. I loved it the best, know why? everyone would go and die for one another. When we were all in it. Vallejo, ketan, spike, throm, Baklen, baral, Shachmir, Warrax, if one was in trouble, they came runnen NO MATTER WHAT. Tb had a close nit unit of friends, thats why they were so fucken good. Out of the mud, they still talked in the mud. They still talked, FRA became that, you couldn't stop us, or try to, when you got that Family its unbreakable. Well they had to come me down hell of alot of times. Cause as I was, the Storm. And to you all Ketan, everyone hell you guys are the shit. Keep up the fight, and the spirit. Don't lose any of that shit. Vallejo bah, fuck, I know how stupid I get, you are the shit, With that,

    Once you get that unity, you also may be unstoppable.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:01:32

    shit show me a log of me going linkdead on someone fucken trying to kill me.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 April 2002 04:58:52

    WELL HOLY FUCKEN SHIT, you call me a quitter? Ok, I got fucken arrested, for beating up a minor and my comp was pulled out of the wall, this also happened outside of the troll in mordor. Were noone was at after I was taking on a party of 5 with no eq so Viking couldn't get the mail. So talk shit about that, it wasn't even in combat. Second Baral quit on who ever the fuck it was, well no excuse for that really. I was trapped, wanted, couldn't leave the tower, and I was like well fuck it, at that time I really didn't care about the mud *shrugs, and newcomer I attacked you in mt, at 45 fucken days of age you were 19, and you ran into the fucken plains and quit. *boggles

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    23 April 2002 03:38:18

    well.. the thing is.. from day one we've been a guild of bastards. with some notable exceptions like perhaps myself (woo! I'm a nice guy) .. and no Tuareg.. I really doubt I'll be kicked :) but still I can say as the only (semi)-active FRA that's been a member for over 4 years that we havent really changed... you might think our theme is easy to roleplay.. perhaps that's true. but that's just because it's a human and realistic theme. We're selfish bastards, like Saruman, boromir or half the people in Tolkiens books. And the thing is.. if you read the books carefully you'll realize it's not just about heroes or villains.. its mostly about people just doing what they have to to get their own agendas through.

    And well.. basically noone other than me has been in the FRA all this time.. and I've just had this char so your theories about us being the same people always is just plain false... unless you have a different time frame than me :) And well.. I dont know anything about our ainur chars but I doubt we have many.. our tradition is unfortunately not one of great relationships with the people upstairs.

    And the war was never about megs theme.. it was about us not accepting a guild posing as stronger than us. Guild themes are ooc and that's not our problem. a notable exception would be the fra/megs/KA vs durms/cou war but that was a different thing enterily and well.. back then there was no theme revisions.

    I'm sorry about the megs being disbanded but it had nothing todo with us beating you guys in a war. A war that we also offered to end once you admitted yourselves beaten :)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 02:36:59

    You don't mean to offend anyone, Tuareg? For crying out loud. You finally figured us out, Tuareg. Every member of the FRA has an ainu alt, and we used them to get Meglivornth changed. God forbid the ainur ever think for themselves, and god forbid anything ever happen to the Meglivornth that the evil, cheating FRA didn't cause.

    PS, you're an idiot.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 April 2002 01:41:21

    Please, Duniv, I beg that you comment who my durm alt is so that I can log on and start filling out contracts and molesting their employees or something. ;)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    23 April 2002 01:13:28

    Wow, guys... all this talk about alts makes me want to create one and have it talk about other people's alts. Can't we just stay away from trying to reveal everyone's alt in the whole or Arda? Here's a new string on comments.... What kind of beer you like. Guinness!!!!! MMM, you havn't had Guinness like the pints on draft in Dublin. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:59:12

    While the events in Mordor did trigger the all-out war, we had a general dislike for Meglivornth because we thought they were becoming a little too cocky and sure of themselves. I don't care what you call it, it's called 'our theme.' We don't like not being the best, and proving that we can take on a guild like Meglivornth is well within the spirit of the Fellowship.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:55:52

    'Even though I am not in SoU and never been in SoU as guild, I am sure I know it more than you and I know what is going on inside rather than you.' Hmm, very interesting. I suppose you're entitled to your opinion. Perhaps you could send me a mail explaining exactly what your little fight is about? If I was wrong, then I'd like to know why you are attacking members of my guild. Regarding alts, I have yet to see a player who keeps his characters entirely seperate. If you want an example, look no further than FRA alts. Is it any accident that when they go to make a PK they are using gear from the FRA armoury? To some extent characters can be kept seperate, but it's very difficult when they are polar opposites. Trempk, by the way, I really admire the way you keep your Durmanhoth assassin seperate from your main character.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:28:50

    Ok sorry about that, anyways, what about my other comment, did you guys kill of megs because you believed they were power-hungry, selfish bastards?

    Bashgeroy, i lost interest in the pk-game, nothing you will do to me will make me go ahead and kill you, because i dont believe we should kill whoever the fuck we want unless we have good reasons. And about your RL, i do feel sorry for that.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:24:12

    When they killed me at Rhos, it was before TB existed. I had stolen the whip from them a time or two, they were pissy. :)

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:16:19

    Manner, careful how you talk to mentally unstable assassins with crappy RL.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:10:10

    Ketan, i remember clearly when you guys used to hate megs at a period of time and that TB has just started. I do not however keep logs of other people kills because i am not a log freak... Anyways, i remember when you died at rhos by the hands of roeven BB and some other guys with bows and arrows. If this happened before TB was created then i am wrong and my memory have failed me and i opologize to you and TB. I still however believe that i have heard the reasons i posted in my last post about why TB/FRA hate megs. If thats wrong as well, then i opologize again. I am man enough to admit it when i am wrong. Sorry. Plus Bashgeroy dont irritate me...


  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    23 April 2002 00:07:10

    I've never understood why people would just so nonchalantly talk about alts here? I mean, if you don't have a better argument then for something their alt did, then just stop.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    22 April 2002 23:57:12

    Umm, evils suck NC:P *agitates you*

    Anyway, Duniv died twice, so it's 3?:P

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    22 April 2002 23:43:42

    Duniv, don't act like you are the big boy from SoU or something because you aren't.

    And eventhough I am not in SoU and never been in SoU as guild, I am sure I know it more than you and I know what is going on inside rather than you. And I advice you not to try to piss me off by trying to remove one of my most trusted friend because she idle in guild. If you happen to get killed again, you know why.

    And about someone who I know irl failed the vote, do they mailed you about what they vote? If you can get your fact straight, you will not get killed that time.

    And so far I only killed 2 SoU, including you, so you consider your self and Deimos a newbie? Alright. If you are not aware, I already asked some members do they want to join this fight or not, some of them mud-mailed me they will stay out from the war, including some of your 'higher rank' officers.


  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    22 April 2002 23:23:00

    Who says anyone believes him?:P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 23:04:13

    Uh, Manner, you're an idiot. Not only an idiot, but you also don't know what you're talking about. TB got beaten on by Megs and had to lay low and make gold? Show me a single Meg pkill on me between the time I became TB and the time I joined the FRA. Come on, go for it. I'm pretty sure that all the Megbangs I got killed with early on were before TB existed, when I was just some thief who didn't care if he died or not. Ask any Meg...I looked forward to having them try to kill me. So in conclusion: Manner is retarded, he has a very active imagination, and he likes to twist things so they make him sound like he knows what he's talking about. Don't be fooled, kids: He doesn't.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:59:16

    You have just opened a whole new door for me Ailin and Ketan. Those were very interesting comments you guys made considering what i have heard was totally different. I did post this to defend the meglivornth in any way, nor do i post something that i have no idea what i am talking about. It is simple when you think of it, and Gazza almost nailed it right on the head. Ketan Devon Dekon were pissed at Megs because they are Fearless, bastards, and fucked around with everyone. I was a meg at the time when this shit started, but the newly born TB took it between the eyes in short time, so they decided to go low and make gold for a period of time. The mordor killing was just a trigger. Thats what you guys, FRA, are turning into. 'We are greedy bastards who want to have the ring and everything' Thats what you said you are and believe me thats what you believed MEGS were!

    PS. Barazbund i am not trying to defend megs with this post in any way. Just saying my opinion, and i sure hope people take this as an opinion only.


  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:54:27

    Umm, they killed him?That's moronic, I suppose some Iowa alt was GM.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:53:20

    Umm, Duniv is right.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:51:38

    And for the record, SoU is SO nice about this certain 'alt of an SoU,' that they pkilled him for the captain's cutlass a month or two ago. What good friends!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:49:15

    I agree with you Duniv. People should NEVER keep their characters seperate. All of their friends with one character should be their friends with the other and vice versa. They should all have the same basic theme as each other and join the same guild, or guilds that are affiliated with that guild. They should also only aid in pks against his alt's guilds enemies. Maybe you should kick his alt out of your guild! In conclusion: shut the fuck up Duniv, you're not his mother. ;)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:39:02

    I don't think FRA should be allied with anyone. It's against their theme. On the other hand, it does bother me that Newcomer would kill a random newbie simply because someone he knows IRL failed to pass the vote for SOU. It's even worse that a player who has an alt in SOU would hunt for him.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:21:48

    Well Gazza, since the war had pretty much nothing to do with you, and you're not all that well informed, I think you're probably better off keeping your mouth shut (instead of calling people who are bigger than you 'childish'). But I don't know, maybe that's just me.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:10:04

    I remember reading in Maronan's story, that the war started because some childish people were pissed off that Megs were so feared. Unless it isn't entirely true, that put a really bad light on FRA/Durms/TB.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    22 April 2002 21:52:51

    Told you, eorling warlords hurt, especially NC:P

    Bah, SoU whiners.Why should the FRA be your allies? They kinda want to dethrone your king and to take his ring.Shut up.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 April 2002 21:35:04

    Baklen, I heard about you going 'link dead' several times on pk's. Of course when you where attacked. But the S.W.A.T. invaded your home so I guess I would go link dead on accident as well ;)

    For real man, NC is cool.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 21:34:30

    Just a couple of things. One, Baklen: I like you and all, but your chars have done some quitting on people before, too. :P

    Secondly, Manner is just bitter because one of the first things I did as GM was break off our alliance with SoU. But hell, it was hardly even ME that broke it off. That alliance had been dying for months, someone had to say 'This isn't working' and kill it. That was the FRA taking a step toward being more impartial, and since that's the basis of our theme, I think it was a good choice. If you want to be angry with us for killing innocent people...go ahead. We're greedy sons of bitches, it's what we do.


  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    22 April 2002 20:44:54

    When I quit on you Baklen, such thing as 'Huntbreak' is not well known. And your great Baral quitted on me before too, and this time 'Huntbreak' are well known.

    For the nukes, I got nuked 5 times and got reinstated 5 times. All of it is for the fake report ppl and their ainur made.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 April 2002 19:43:54

    Umm before ketan Was even Fra, me and Throm were in mordor and saw some megs. We nailed them. The next day we were at warcause Throm considered mordor Anymans land. Fra has always been killig who the hell they wanted. Shock didn't want to give in, so we didn't either. Then when I was gone I think they killed someMore megs in mordor when they had a treaty. So the war started over again. Thats the war, not on theme, that came when someone opened an mcouncil case about Megs. *shrugs* Just my twocents, as I said, kill who you want, take reprecutions later.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 April 2002 19:40:03

    Newcomer is noone to be trifled with?

    He quit on my ass once. Then got nuked shotly after that. I thinkhe is a fagot. AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO TO THE BANK!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 April 2002 19:36:03

    Ok, only a million guild wars have started cause 1 guild killed some people from another guild. Guild wars dont have to be based on theme.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    22 April 2002 18:51:22

    Deimos have the shadow sword, something I miss at reboot. Enough reason.

    And he is involved in the conspiracy to remove my right hand from a guild.


  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    22 April 2002 18:22:15

    Uh, FRA weren't killing megs for any specific reason that I can remember. They killed 2 of our members in mordor, and that started the whole thing. Megs tried to never attack anyone who hadnt done something against them, thats hardly what FRA was fighting us for.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    22 April 2002 18:00:48

    I do believe Manner has no idea what he is talking about :P Despite him not knowing _anything_ about FRA, what we do or why we do it, his post was just plain ignorant, please ignore it :P

  • Author
    Montar [legacy]
    22 April 2002 17:51:05

    Do FRA even have 1 ally?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 April 2002 15:54:27

    FRA and SoU aren't really allies. FRA serves its self and they want the ring cause they want to rule the world or some shit like that. SoU serve Sauron. (They be Sauron's bitches) Or somethin like that

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    22 April 2002 15:45:19

    Newcomer the war machine, he seems to never forget if you piss him off - in even the smallest thing. Awsome guy if you dont :)

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    22 April 2002 14:08:14

    This new Ketan era is really lame in my opinion. I respect the guy and i believe he is an icon in this game, but i got to say the way he is turning his guild into is very lame. I mean these are the so-called standards that FRA fought megs for. They said they didnt have a theme, killed everyone who messes with them, and do not have any RP'ing events they really participate in. Come on now, allowing your members to kill innocent people who practiclly havent done anything to harm you is just the thing you said you didnt like about megs. What do you expect us SoU todo in retaliation against this? Kill Newcomer? ok, say we did that then he will have an excuse to kill us with his guildmate eventually starting a new stupid/lame war between two guild who were to supposed to be allies. I know you will say we never did have good relations, but this is just pethatic. And taidy, why hunt deimos? What did he do against you, or is it because you cant get Montar?


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 April 2002 13:50:04

    Geeze. Seems the amount of FRA pks has increased in the last lil bit of time

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    22 April 2002 10:30:14

    I learned along time ago, Newcomer is no one to be trifled with. I don't fear him but I'm not going to go out of my way to piss him off :)

    Always nice to see him work though

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 08:22:58

    I'd give you props, but i dont like colorless logs