Showing 7861-7880 of 9193 logs

  • Damn warriors are hard to kill. Thats why the maiden is there for you! :)

  • *sorry* Didn't mean to kill Melanna.. You good guilds should have learned by now that Evil will always overcome.

  • I just needed to make a quick 1k to level up.. Head to Edoras.. Start killing the woman damn Amruin show up.. I decide I'm not gonna let them ruin my day :) Havok comes to back me, Nom and Paladinz come to back Rhoads.. Who wins? Read it and find out! *Hopefully in color*

  • I'm just putting this up cause I saw the new category. ;) Anyways, I think its at the 3rd event, *shrug* my memory is shot. Fucking Gimli. :P

  • I couldnt get a TD, but look at my kick ass equipment!

  • Poor thing didn't know it was comin.

  • He had a contract and he was annoying. Therefor he died.

  • Blah.Period.

  • Even though Andreth is a lame level 13, a week of OOC insults while trying to RP ticks anyone off. Thanks to Waldemir for superb hunting skills.

    ps. Andreth, learn to RP ... You might die less.

  • Interesting log, Leto just hunted - Thanks Leto!!

  • I assist Karanach in killing Lito. I didn't want to get an 100K murder fine so i split pretty fast. Lame huh?!

  • I kill Transron using lame and cheap techniques, 'nuff said.

  • Khufu and Crusaderr chasing OCPs, Almear/Sigmund/Karanach chasing Megs.

  • Oh well, I swear I had typed "bandage deadlok".But then he moved... At least the colors are supposed to be cool:P

  • I would've felt terrible if they got me...

  • We were bored :p

  • they put up a good fight thou

  • Well i just logged on grapped a C and went for it!

  • His C was up for 1.6k, so I went after him. He doesn't try to break or escape. But from the looks of it he wouldn't have made it to MT to break anyway. Damn those warriors, he shoulda died sooner =)

  • Galuf posted his point of view .. but the lack of color, prompt and the verbose mode made me dizy .. Not an exciting log but you can see what happens ;)