Showing 8221-8240 of 9193 logs

  • Can't remember correctly but he did have something to do with killing Azura, so I went after him. He lost his head, and the storm moved on.

  • Early at reboot I was trying to get some packs, bravely wielding my globe in a far off Dark Land.I had had a trigger against disarmers but for some reason I had removed it (found out too late:P) and Bared and Dizm took my weapon.Baaaad people, they took away my sweet!
    Soon afterwards I get information that Bared is terrorizing the people of Edoras.Not that I, as a true dunlending would care much about them but in this case we had common interests:P
    Dunland forever!

    ***The kill is as spammy as this text:P****
    But I assure you it's worth reading.

  • Bared sees Bashgeroy walking around mordor with globe. Asks me to steal for him, if he disarms. Done deal.

  • I hate lighting.

  • So I was exploring this beorning camp, then I lagged out, so I idled a little(maybe a mistake). Then had some conversations. Then the lag went away just long enough for me to break, fade, and go back to my GH to get drunk, after which it hit me again. This was like a week ago.

  • Delgaur likes posting older kills, so I said what the hell, why not. I logged onto a reboot about 13 minutes too late, I needed gear and I saw a party of BkD. Notice how his friends fade and run.

  • Older kill, but solo.
    Forgot the reason behind it now, but made a good read.

  • VC wanted him dead, so i provided hunter.
    Did not expect him to pull such a move though.
    Nice try Nightfall.
    Pity we were not who you were expecting huh :p

  • They try to protect their castle, but what they should start to teach is how to protect their members. Watch as Hochopepa and Garik leave their member for the wolves.

  • Well fellows seems that this is really the end.I'm posting this to you to prove to everyone on this mud, That Turin was right. The mud has gone to hell, by the people who run it, and so fourth. As melkor states its his mud. And he runs it the way he wants. So To everyone who ever was out there. I love you all, to my enemies It was fun. You guys know who you are. The real reason was bug abuse not spreekilling. He is just to hypocritic to admit it. I leave the mud never to return. This log states what melkor was saying.
    Anyways I'll miss you all, and hell 316 kills is not bad. over 16million in fines. *snorts* take care arda and rest well. The Storm is no more.

  • Thieves might try a little more than you think Galuf. Heres the log of the Bank of Galuf hiest. My accomplice was never reported, and he'll stay unknown, even though the theft was over 3 weeks ago.

  • Don't hide with bugs

  • Don't forget to sneak out of a theft!

  • Disclaimer: Uniques are preferable, except like Anfidurl and the shining mithril coif- there is no reason to waste good gold on them.

  • Carver must of had god on his side for this!

  • Ugrim dies for his crimes towards the Corsairs of Umbar.

  • Cerol killed Andron. After popular request, i decide to warn her for newbie killing.

  • Andron meets his destiny after I keep missing, missing and missing...

  • I suck :(